Sensory-Motor Development Courses
The courses about Sensory-Motor Development help people from all walks of life learn to see other’s behavior in a compassionate way. By understanding how different people perceive, learn, and response in different environments, many difficulties and misunderstandings can be avoided. Courses teach how to help the brain gently change itself. These changes can occur without force or judgment. These courses can assist children and adults labeled with, but not limited to:
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and (ADHD), Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Tourette's Syndrome, Anxiety, Depression, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Pervasive Developmental Disorder- Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), Issues of Aging, and more.
Contact our office for information about sponsoring a course today!
Reflex Courses: Large or small Reflex Courses are an experience you will never forget. Become a Plan for Learning and Living Course Sponsor and you get training as well as other benefits. Depending on costs, you only need 15 paying participants to sponsor a Plan for Learning & Living Course. To get started all we need to know is: Which course? What date? Where?
Sample of 6 to 8 hour Reflex Courses available:
The Big 8: The eight most common reflexes that we check for developmental issues at any age.
The Bridge Reflexes: A mixture of important reflexes not covered in the Big 8.
Facial Reflexes: The reflexes of the face that affect speech, eating, and balance.
Gravity Reflexes: The reflexes that develop and refine the gravity sense.
Sample of 3 to 4 hour modules available:
Reflexes for Fine Motor Development: The reflexes and developmental pattern for fine motor tasks such as writing.
Reflexes for Vision and Hearing: The basic reflexes and developmental arcs for better vision and hearing.
Contact us today!
Sensory-Motor Development- Course I
This 6-hour course lets each participant experience how sensory-motor development is an interwoven system. This course allows participants to learn to tune in to their own systems and observe others to understand the that can improve life for you and those you care about. Participants learn at least five activities and other games that start the participant on . The study of neurodevelopment has never been presented with so much fun.
Sensory-Motor Development- Course II
12-hour course to understand and experience the Sensory-Motor systems that shape our perceptions, feelings and knowing. This course focuses on how the Sensory-Motor Systems changes with trauma. Learn how the parts of the brain prioritize sensory information and how the motor system automatically reacts to this information. At least 10 activities will be practiced and learned.